The Ministry stands for ensuring to provide affordable, clean and accessible water and energy resources to every citizen, and to discover the country’s untapped energy and water resources.
The Ministry of Energy and Water Resources of the federal government of Somalia is headed by His Excellency Jama Taqal who was appointed by Presidential Decree No. 200/12, of October 1st. In the performance of his duties, The Minister is assisted by the deputy minister and State Minister who have been appointed by the same Presidential Decree.
The Ministry of Energy and Water Resources has the mandate to oversee, formulate, and lead its execution of strategies, policies, and plans for both the energy and water sectors in Somalia.
The Ministry of Energy and Water of the federal government of Somalia formulates and promotes the execution of the policies to be pursued by the energy and water sectors in Somalia. The Ministry is mandated to Establish strategies, and promote, and coordinate the use and rational use of energy and water resources, ensuring their sustainable development. The MOEWRs also proposes and promotes the national policy of electrification both rural and urban and the general use of water resources, their protection and conservation, as well as the policy of water supply and sanitation of wastewater.
The Ministry of energy and Water Resources of the federal government of Somalia has the primary responsibility to promote, carry, and conduct research activities to discover and explore the
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Address: Bondhere District, Mogadishu, Somalia.
Sat– Thu: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm