About IWRM-SIDA Project

UNDP Somalia and the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) have signed an agreement to build the capacity of the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) and the Federal Member States (FMS) with an overarching focus on promoting resilience of the water-stressed, ecologically-fragile, and disaster vulnerable communities in the country. The project promotes an integrated approach and addresses capacity gaps and national priorities for water, environment, and disaster risk management. It unleashes the potential of their synergies into a coherent and more integrated programming framework.

The project aims to build the capacity of the Somali authorities and communities in their efforts to promote sustainable and resilient development through targeted support in the areas of integrated water resource management, environmental governance, and disaster risk reduction. UNDP will undertake targeted interventions in three inter-related components in achieving the above objective

The project builds on past experiences, complements the ongoing national efforts under the National Development Plan (NDP-9), and calls for an integrated approach to deliver results on the ground in the areas of integrated water resources management, environmental governance, and disaster risk management. The overall project objective and the three inter-linked components are summarized as follows:

 Overall objective:  The project aims to build the capacity of the Somali authorities in their efforts to promote sustainable and resilient development through targeted support in the areas of integrated water resource management, environmental governance, and disaster risk reduction. With funding support from the Swedish Government, UNDP will undertake targeted interventions in three inter-related components in achieving the above objective.

Project Components

Component 1 - IWRM

Within the integrated approach to promoting sustainable and resilient development in Somalia, the specific objective of the component1 will be to build targeted capacities, both at the individual and institutional levels, to promote integrated water resource management (IWRM) in Somalia. In doing so, Somali institutions and the officials will be equipped with enhanced skills, tools, and systems on IWRM that would promote effective decision making on water allocations and efficient utilization of water resources at all levels.

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Component 2 - Environmental Governance

The specific objective of the component2 will be to enhance the capacities of the Somali authorities, both at federal and state levels, to address the ecological challenges and priorities toward improved environmental governance in the country. In doing so, the Directorate of Environment and the Federal Member States will be capacitated towards strengthened environmental management, effective monitoring, and assessment and raise awareness through environmental education and advocacy.

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Component 3 -Disaster Risk Reduction

The objective of this component is to strengthen Somali institutions at Federal and State levels and put in place capacities, systems, and tools to support the transition from a culture of reactive responses to the practice of comprehensive disaster risk management in Somalia. A government-wide, multi-hazards, and multi-stakeholders’ approach will be adopted to integrate DRR in the planning and programming, across sectors and levels, focusing on promoting resilience of the disaster vulnerable communities.

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