Minister Message

The Minister of the Ministry of energy and Water Resources of federal government H.E. Abdullahi Bidhaan Warsame is profoundly committed to implement the national water & energy policies, strategies and plans to transform the
Somalia energy and water sectors development.

Under the leadership of the minister of energy and water resources, Somalia electricity act was approved and operationalized, and water sector strategy has also been formulated which will further transform and
strengthen both the water and energy sectors in Somalia. The minister has also established the national electricity authority which will regulate the
electricity sector by providing licensing and set and oversee the electricity tariffs in Somalia.

The minister of energy and water resources of federal government of Somalia has also appointed the first Somalia energy sector working group which comprises of director generals of the ministries of energy and water resources of federal member states, development partners, energy service providers, solar service providers and academia, the energy sector working group is also chaired by the Director general of the ministry of energy and water resources of federal government of Somalia. 

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