Department of Water

Department of Water

The Department of Water within the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources is a critical governmental entity tasked with the sustainable management and regulation of the country's water resources. It is responsible for the development and implementation of policies related to water resource management, ensuring that the water needs of the population, agriculture, and industry are met in an environmentally sound and economically viable manner. This involves overseeing the allocation of water resources, managing water supply systems, monitoring water quality, and investing in water conservation and reuse technologies.


"To ensure a sustainable, secure, and equitable water future for all, by managing and preserving our water resources through innovative, environmentally sound, and efficient water practices."


"Our mission is to provide leadership in the management of water resources to ensure access to safe, reliable, and affordable water for all, to support healthy ecosystems, to foster economic growth, and to adapt to climate variability and change."

Every Living Thing is made from water -Quran

A drop a day wastes the let us not waste water

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