April 1, 2024 - In Publication

The Minister of Energy and Water Resources of the Federal Government of Somalia H.E Jama Taqal Abbas endorsed the ESI Study today, the Minister signed the endorsement letter. The Official Letter of Endorsement can be downloaded here.

Mogadishu, 01, April 2024: The Ministry of Energy and Water Resources of the Federal Government of Somalia has endorsed the Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) Institutional Structure, based on recommendations from the ESI Institutional Structure Option Analysis Study conducted by the Ministry.

The Ministry of Energy and Water Resources undertook a comprehensive study to review the existing electricity sector institutional arrangements in Somalia, with the objective of ensuring an efficient electricity supply industry. The ESI study outlines the current state of the electricity supply industry (ESI) in Somalia and explores options for future development of Somalia’s electricity sector. The proposed institutional arrangement in the ESI is instrumental in driving our vision for an efficient and sustainable electricity supply industry by 2040.

The Ministry of Energy and Water Resources is dedicated and committed to reforming the energy sector through the implementation of the ESI structure, with the goal of ensuring that reliable and affordable electricity is accessible to all.

The implementation of the recommended institutional structure of the ESI study is part of the Ministry’s venture towards re-establishing and development of the electricity market, which laid a solid ground for subsequent achievements including the approval of the Electricity Act, its regulations, and the establishment of the National Electricity Authority.


H.E Jama Taqal Abbas

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